Significance of the Five Offerings
Wrtten by Rev. Zheng on 30 April 2020 translated by Wu Simin

The Levitical sacrificial system was the formal order of worship, which was instituted when God made the Covenant of the Law with Israel on Mount Sinai. Leviticus chapters 1 to 7 recorded five main types of offerings: Burnt Offering, Grain Offering, Fellowship Offering, Sin Offering, Guilt Offering. The death of the offering animals forebodes the death of Christ, who died in place of every person who believes in Him, bearing the punishment of sin and accomplishing the effect of the five offerings once-for-all.
The five offerings are meant for His people to draw close to God and seek His mercy and grace in various situations. Today although we are no longer required to offer these offerings at the altar of the holy temple in Jerusalem, we must not neglect God’s purpose in these offerings.
The Sin Offering is not only intended for the atonement of the sins of individual and the community, it is also a corporate atonement for the fallen mankind. We do not need to offer the sin offering in this age, but let us remember that we are sinners saved by grace, our sins were forgiven because we place our trust in Jesus, thereby received the efficacy of His Sin Offering.
The Guilt Offering is an atonement for the unintentional sins or sins committed outside the law. Regardless of the wrongdoing committed in regard to God or to man, the offender must make restitution in full and add a fifth of the value to it. We do not need to offer the guilt offering in this age, but we must reflect on ourselves daily, to confess and repent every wrongdoing, and to make sincere compensations to man and to God. This is what we often overlook.
The Fellowship Offering is usually a thanksgiving sacrifice offered to God in times of celebration, accompanied with a merry feast before God. The Fellowship Offering is also a representation of fellowship with God. We do not need to offer the fellowship offering in this age, but we should fellowship regularly with God through God’s word and the church. At the same time, when we celebrate in our households, let us not forget to offer our thanksgiving to God, and let us fest in the presence of God instead of outside His presence. For instance, our New Home Blessing, Bar Mitzvah, Parents’ Hearts Dedication, etc.
The Grain Offering is to present the harvest as a gift to God. We do not need to offer the grain offering in this age, but we must often keep in mind the needs of the house of God and to present our gifts to Him. For instance, the regular Lord’s Day offering or thanksgiving offering.
The Burnt Offering denotes an offering rises to God in heaven. It is the finest offering presented by man to represent the giving of oneself entirely on the altar. The rising smoke and aroma represent the ascent of the soul of the offerer drawing near to God in worship. We do not need to offer the burnt offering in this age, but we ought to offer our entire self and live according to God’s will.
Dear holy brethren, man brings offerings to God because they love God, and hope to find favour with Him and to commune with Him. God accepts man’s offering because He loves us and even gave His one and only Son to us to be the true offering that makes us right with God. Oh, how rich and marvelous is the spiritual lesson bestowed to us in the five offerings of the Old Testament!
“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22)
“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.” (1 Samuel 15:22)
Lord Jesus Christ has presented himself as the five offerings for our
sake. Let us live out the will of God according to the revelation of the five
offerings. May the precious blood of Christ accomplish the work of God in you
and I! Amen!
One Comment
Lazarus Tonui
Thanks so much for your lessons