OurReception, Toddler and Young Adult Ministry

OurReception, Toddler and Young Adult Ministry

Ministry Sharing and Prayer Meeting  

–Our Reception, Toddler and Young Adult Ministry

From the desk of Rev Zheng

        “Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Php 2: 4)

        If the members of a family mind only their own business, the family cannot last. It is the same with the Lord’s household. We must not only help each other in the ministry we serve but must also uphold other ministries in constant prayer and assistance.

        When you come to the house of God on Sunday morning and are received by a smiling face, that is the work of the reception ministry. Getting your lunchbox filled at the love-meal station at Sunday noon is also the service of the reception ministry. So are the economical and delicious buffets on various occasions in the church. The reception is a team of unnamed workers. Because they quietly serve at the seemingly insignificant posts, we have a clean place to enjoy our Sunday service and fellowship. O Lord, may you increase the joy of every reception worker and let every soul who walks into your church enjoy the warmth of a family and the joy of a haven.      

        The church’s manna generation begins with our toddlers’ ministry. The toddlers’ ministry is much more than a childcare service. We called it the Toddlers’ Worship because they learn to worship the only true God in English and Chinese. They also learned to memorise scripture verses, the Lord’s Prayer and the Apostles’ Creed. In order for parents to worship without interruption, the toddlers’ team does not take a break on Sunday. They accompany the young children with bible lessons, hymns, prayers and arts and crafts for three hours every Sunday. Lord, may you compel more young men and women to serve our young ones willingly. May you also place in every tender heart the desire to know you!

        Young adults are the church’s successor of the baton of faith. They are to steer the church on the path of pure faith while keeping the flame of evangelism burning. In addition to pursuing a personal career and romance, our young adults get together to study the bible fortnightly. They are also the main support for the choir, nursing students, and toddlers’ ministry and caring for their younger brothers and sisters in the YPF.

        O Lord, we pray that every one of our young adults will be granted pure and true love from You, so that they may be added power upon power in their pilgrimage. Sustain them, O Lord, that under the heavy work pressure, they will not give up their personal devotion time with you, and will be nourished with heavenly manna and love on the Cross daily. May they stand firm on the truth amidst the torrent of the decadent culture of the world and become bronze and iron walls for your church!


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