「主爱我一生, 甚至我做神不喜悦的事,祂依然爱我。」
「只有当主许可」—— 因为我生命的主宰不是我,乃是神.
“God will provide”
“We should not criticize or exclude others”
“Someone has won my heart, therefore I can never be who I was!”
“Only if God allows” – for I am no longer the master of my life. God is.
“We should never exclude him because God would never exclude anyone who wishes to come into His Kingdom.”
“Everyone is not perfect, including you and I. So let’s work together to embrace one another’s imperfections by the strength of God’s love.”
“I know it is hard to include him/her but we should give him/her a chance, for even though we are sinners God still accepts us and cares about us.”
欢迎亲戚、邻居、朋友孩童出席儿童福音 迷你 嘉年华会。