'Charismatic Theology' Tagged Posts

'Charismatic Theology' Tagged Posts


A Brief Talk on Charismatic Theology

Written by elder Wang Yadong translated by Terry Chua edited by Rev Zheng           Throughout history, the question of the Holy Spirit’s identity has been a significant concern for churches.  In contrast, the three charismatic movements are more focused on the what and the means of the Holy Spirit’s work. An excessive emphasis on “who” might lead to excessive theological discussion and potentially losing a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. Conversely, focusing only on the…

A Brief Talk on Charismatic Theology (cont’)

Written by elder Wang Yadong translated by Terry Chua           After the resurrection of Jesus, the disciples received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, and they performed many signs and wonders (Acts 2:43; 5:12; 8:6; 14:3). We know that many people came to believe on the day of Pentecost and this event is particularly emphasized by the third charismatic movement. Is the church really built on miraculous signs and wonders?           Paul did…