Our Eleven Elders and Deacons

Our Eleven Elders and Deacons

        15 You know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the service of the Lord’s people. I urge you, brothers and sisters, 16 to submit to such people and to everyone who joins in the work and labors at it.” 1Cor 16:15-16

        Our elders and deacons have come to the end of their term of service this month. We thank God that they have been faithful to their calling in the past two years, and their lives are good testimonies for the Gospel. After careful prayer, all of they are willing to continue to serve as deacons and elders. Two other brethren have also stepped forward to serve you as deacons, thereby completing God’s beautiful will for the church. Praise be to Christ our Head!

        The installation ceremony will be held as part of the Sunday Service on 21st May. The elders and deacons will be taking a sacred vow to commit themselves to serve the church in unity in the next two years. Brothers and sisters will also pledge to submit to their leadership and teaching. In this way, the whole church is committed to build up Truth Baptist Church through mutual submission out of reverence for Christ. May the Lord be well pleased with our corporate dedication and make us a powerful vessel for His Gospel.

        The new term of service starts from June 2023 and end in May 2025. Some of them will be appointed as members of the EXCO at the coming AGM. The elders and deacons to be installed are:

  1. Elder Jonathan Loo (62 years old)
  2. Elder Tang Yongjie (57 years old)
  3. Elder Li Huan (49 years old)
  4. Elder Henry Luo (46 years old)
  5. Elder Wang Yadong (45 years old)
  6. Deacon Deborah Mok (64 years old)
  7. Deacon Jenny Yu  (53 years old)
  8. Deacon Han Jen Li (52 years old)
  9. Deacon Rachel Lee (45 years old)
  10. Deacon Tang Sue Wei (44 Years old)
  11. Deacon Marcus Mok (43 years old)

        Let us rejoice and be glad for our elders and deacons, and uphold them and their family in prayer for them, for their family join them in their labour for the church and the Gospel.


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