Posts by TBC Admin (Page 3)

Posts by TBC Admin (Page 3)


Elders’ and Deacons’ Installation Vow

21 May 2023 1. I reaffirm that Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Saviour 2. I believe the Bible, both the Old Testament and New Testament, is the Word of God, totally trustworthy, fully inspired by the Holy Spirit, the supreme, final, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice, by which the church should abide in the devising and the execution of all ministries. 3. I agree with the faith stance of Truth Baptist Church, including women’s…


2023年5月21日 1.我确认耶稣基督是我个人生命的主及救主。 2.我相信新旧约圣经是神的默示,无误无谬,是我们信仰实践最高、最终、绝对可靠的依据,也是教会中各样事工设计、制定和开展的依据。 3.我认同本教会的信仰宣告,包括认同姐妹在教会担任教导、证道、长老、执事、牧者的职分。 4.我愿意承诺:要靠着神的帮助,忠心于真理浸信教会,固定出席真理浸信教会的礼拜、祷告会、按照我作为长老/执事的责任全力支持教会的事工,并因出于敬畏基督,与弟兄姐妹彼此顺服。 5.我愿意承诺:无论遭受怎样的逼迫与反对,我要靠着神的帮助,持守福音的真理、教会的圣洁与合一。 6.我愿意承诺:靠着神的帮助,无论私下或公开,努力活出一个与救恩相称的生命,在敬虔上作会众的榜样。 7.我愿意靠着神的帮助,忠心、勤勉地执行长老/执事的职分,在教会所委派的岗位上,倚靠圣灵照管教会的事工与资源,让真理浸信会并基督的国度得到益处。
elders and deacons

Our Eleven Elders and Deacons

“15 You know that the household of Stephanas were the first converts in Achaia, and they have devoted themselves to the service of the Lord’s people. I urge you, brothers and sisters, 16 to submit to such people and to everyone who joins in the work and labors at it.”1Cor 16:15-16 Our elders and deacons have come to the end of their term of service this month. We thank God that they have been faithful to their calling in the…
elders and deacons


2023年5月14日  「15 弟兄们,你们晓得司提反一家,是亚该亚初结的果子,并且他们专以服侍圣徒为念。 16 我劝你们顺服这样的人,并一切同工同劳的人。」《林前16:15, 16》 今年我们的长执两年任期期满了。感谢主,他们这两年在所差派的岗位上尽忠职守,他们的生命都是福音的见证。他们在祷告后都乐意继续在长执的岗位上服事大家。除此之外,另外两位弟兄姐妹也勇敢地到执事的岗位上学习,成就了神对教会的美意。颂赞归与我们的主基督,他是教会的元首! 教会将在5月21日为他们举行就职礼,十一位长执将在会众的见证下立誓,在接下来两年同心服事教会。弟兄姐妹也将在神面前表示愿意顺服他们的带领和教导。这样,教会全体一同委身彼此顺服、建立基督的身体。愿主悦纳我们的心志,使真理浸信教会成为福音的出口。 新一任的长执任期是从2023年6月至2025年5月,我们也将在来临的常年大会按照章程从他们当中选立执委会。新一任的长执是: 让我们一起为十一位长执的委身感谢神,也常常用祷告中托住他们,因为他们和全家是为主的教会和福音劳苦的。

My Mother’s Bible

by American poet  George pope Morris (1802-1864) – extracted from Poems and Hymns, Christian Cultural Heritage This book is all that’s left me now,   Tears will unbidden start,  With faltering lip and throbbing brow I press it to my heart. For many generations past Here is our family tree; My mother’s hands this Bible clasped, She, dying, gave it me. Ah! Well do I remember those  Whose names these records bear;  Who round the hearthstone used to close, After the…