- 以神为乐 Make God your joy【罗5:11】
- 永远的福乐 Eternal Pleasures【诗16:11】
- 挪开陈粮储新粮 Clear out the old grain to make room for the new harvest【利26:10】
- 看见神以笑脸帮助你【诗42:5】
- 脚穿福音鞋 Your feet fitted with the Gospel shoes【弗6:15】
- 在福音禾场或撒种或收割皆欢乐 Rejoice and be glad sowing and harvesting in the Gospel field【约4:36】
- 在福音禾场积蓄五谷到永生 Harvesting the crop for eternal in the Gospel field【约4:36】
- 多结果子的枝子 A branch that bears much fruit【约15:5】
- 愿你腹中的活水江河滋润四围 May the stream of living water flow from within you【约7:34】
- 神以仁爱和慈悲为你的冠冕 The Lord crowns you with love and compassion【诗103:4】
- 救恩之乐 Joy of Salvation【诗51:12】
- 披戴基督 Clothed with Christ【加3:27】
- 内心一天新似一天 Renewed inwardly day by day【约4:36】
- 恩典为你年岁的冠冕,你的路径都滴下脂油。The Lord crowns the year with His bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.【诗65:11】
- 凡事平顺,披上喜乐 All things be smooth sailing, the LORD clothes you with joy
- 耶和华的慈爱四面环绕你 The LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the man who trusts in him
- 嘴里满有恩慈 Your lips be anointed with grace
- 发旺如神殿中的青橄榄树 Like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God
- 福杯满溢 Your cup overflows
- 愿神与你亲近 May the LORD come near to you
- 发旺在神的院子里 Flourish in the courts of our LORD
- 天天向神唱新歌 Sing a new song to the LORD every day
- 足沾恩惠,满得你神的福。Be abounding with the favour of the LORD and is full of his blessing.【申33:23】
- 打开天窗,倾福与你,无处可容 The Lord throws open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing and you will not have room for it.【玛3:10】
- 出也蒙福、入也蒙福 Be blessed when you come in and blessed when you go out.【申28:6】
- 愿你面前有满足的喜乐、手中有永远的福乐 The LORD fills you with joy in His presence, with eternal pleasures at His right hand.【诗16:11】
- 愿神把你隐藏在翅膀的荫下,如同保护眼中瞳人 The Lord keeps you as the apple of His eye【诗17:8】
- 愿神使你在高处安稳。The Lord enables you to stand on the heights.【诗18:33】
- 愿神将你心所愿的赐给你,成就你的一切筹算。The Lord gives you the desire of your heart and makes all your plans succeed. 【诗20:4】
- 愿逼迫你的都屈身扑到,你却起来立得正直。May those who persecute you be brought to their knees and fall, but you will rise up and stand firm.【诗20:8】
- 愿神使你有洪福,直到永远。 The Lord grants you eternal blessings.【诗21:6】
- 身体健壮,灵魂兴盛!May you prosper in health even as your soul prospers!【约3:2】
- 住在平安的居所、安稳的住处、平静的安歇所。Live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.【赛32:18】
- 耶和华为你散布亮光,预备喜乐!Light is shed upon you and joy in your heart! 【诗97:12】